F.210 Agency- and GSE-backed Securities (1)������������
Billions of dollars; quarterly figures are seasonally adjusted annual rates������������
stock price direction DOWN DOWN DOWN UP UP UP DOWN UP UP UP DOWN
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
1 Net issues 642.1 547.2 571.9 117.5 50.2 -163.0 51.1 -80.9 393.5 471.3 607.2 1
2 Budget agencies -0.5 0.5 -2.4 -0.6 -0.4 -0.7 -1.4 -0.4 0.8 -1.0 0.2 2
3 Government-sponsored enterprises 304.1 219.8 243.7 65.0 -84.2 -209.6 -84.2 -243.9 200.9 144.8 299.5 3
4 Agency- and GSE-backed mortgage pools 338.5 326.8 330.5 53.0 134.8 47.3 136.6 163.4 191.8 327.6 307.5 4
5 Net purchases 642.1 547.2 571.9 117.5 50.2 -163.0 51.1 -80.9 393.5 471.3 607.2 5
6 Household sector -117.4 -157.8 151.5 77.8 218.0 -81.6 294.9 435.4 223.4 -67.9 98.6 6
7 Nonfinancial corporate business 2.1 -0.7 -4.8 0.1 1.4 -0.3 3.6 -4.0 6.5 -2.9 0.6 7
8 State and local governments 47.2 41.9 20.4 18.1 13.5 17.6 -5.5 23.6 18.2 21.0 13.9 8
9 Federal government 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9
10 Rest of the world 103.7 112.3 3.1 109.0 157.1 101.5 157.2 207.0 162.5 263.7 234.0 10
11 Monetary authority -0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11
12 Commercial banking 55.6 140.5 83.6 96.9 -6.8 95.5 -63.3 -55.4 -3.9 154.5 162.4 12
13 U.S.-chartered commercial banks 73.7 121.1 85.1 89.7 -3.3 102.2 -94.4 -24.1 2.9 178.8 133.6 13
14 Foreign banking offices in U.S. -22.0 10.9 -7.1 0.6 -2.3 -9.3 27.9 -27.0 -0.6 -26.9 29.0 14
15 Bank holding companies 1.4 4.5 0.9 1.9 -2.3 0.3 -3.1 -5.1 -1.4 3.0 4.6 15
16 Banks in U.S.-affiliated areas 2.5 3.9 4.7 4.7 1.2 2.4 6.3 0.8 -4.8 -0.4 -4.9 16
17 Savings institutions 21.0 14.7 22.6 -13.6 -12.8 -5.9 -8.9 -17.1 -19.3 -9.1 -23.6 17
18 Credit unions 19.6 18.2 18.6 -0.5 -7.6 4.1 -1.5 -27.3 -5.6 13.5 -3.3 18
19 Property-casualty insurance companies 10.1 19.0 2.2 -3.3 5.8 9.7 3.1 11.9 -1.6 9.3 4.7 19
20 Life insurance companies 18.1 77.4 18.0 8.2 11.4 38.6 4.6 7.6 -5.3 19.5 5.1 20
21 Private pension funds 5.1 -19.4 33.3 17.5 -0.4 -9.4 -17.5 -3.5 28.8 19.7 37.7 21
22 State and local govt. retirement funds 1.9 11.8 55.7 44.2 1.7 76.8 -39.6 -18.1 -12.1 -9.6 -3.9 22
23 Federal government retirement funds 1.6 1.9 0.5 -0.5 0.0 -0.2 0.4 0.2 -0.3 -0.3 -0.2 23
24 Money market mutual funds 141.5 8.7 -4.6 -61.1 -107.4 -154.5 -154.6 -159.5 39.1 44.1 3.0 24
25 Mutual funds 84.7 54.0 25.2 15.2 20.8 31.2 12.2 -5.5 45.1 15.6 -16.8 25
26 Government-sponsored enterprises 206.9 131.7 88.8 -130.3 -163.6 -185.4 -227.9 -300.0 58.9 -20.0 31.5 26
27 ABS issuers 19.3 71.4 67.7 -100.0 -76.0 -103.3 -30.4 -105.7 -64.5 -94.8 -69.2 27
28 REITs 7.0 7.4 -1.9 16.1 1.3 -1.1 13.2 0.9 -8.0 1.6 30.0 28
29 Brokers and dealers 14.1 14.1 -8.1 23.5 -6.3 3.6 111.0 -71.4 -68.3 113.5 102.7 29
(1) Agency- and GSE-backed securities include: issues of federal budget agencies (line 2) such as those for the TVA; issues of government-sponsored enterprises (line 3) such as FNMA and FHLB;������������
and agency- and GSE-backed mortgage pool securities issued by GNMA, FNMA, FHLMC, and the Farmers Home Administration (line 4). Only the budget agency issues are considered������������
officially to be part of the total borrowing of the federal government, which is shown in table F.209, line 32.������������