General links
Corporate Governance Links  |
TIAA-CREF Policy Statement on Corporate Governance  |
CalPERS Corporate Governance Web Site  |
Business Week: Executive Compensation Scoreboard  |
AFL-CIO Executive Paywatch  |
Online Investor: Stock Repurchase Plans Announces This Week  |
The International Corporate Governance Network |
Global Corporate Governance Forum |
Business Roundtable Corporate Governance |
Cadbury Committee on Corporate Governance |
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act Community Forum |
The Riley Guides: Salary and Compensation Information |
USA Today: Overpaid Execs |
Forbes: NYSE Grasso Overpaid by Any Measure |
Wall Street Journal: Stock Buybacks Aren't Always a Good Sign For Investors |
Investopedia: The Lowdown on Stock Buybacks |
Motley Fool: Do Buybacks Add Value? |
Stock Buybacks: Corporate 'Cabbage Patch' Dolls of the 1990s |
Regulation of Stock Repurchase Programs under Federal Securities Laws  |
FASB: Transition Guides for Stock Options |
Wharton: Expensing Stock Options: Can FASB Prevail? |
Corporate Greed Activists: |
What's Driving Stock Buybacks? |
The 'True' Cost of Stock Options |
Western Banking Magazine: The Stock Buyback |
Buybacks Are Bunk |
Repurchase Plans Announced This Week |
What's Driving Return on Equity |
The CPA Journal: Corporate Share Buybacks |
Forbes: Sandy Weill is Wildly Overpaid. Greed at the top of CitiCorp |
Bloomberg: U.S. CEO Pay Averages |
Cox Family Enterprise Center |
Forbes: America's Largest Private Companies |
CFO Careers: Ethics Going Downhill, Execs Say... |
Business Week: MBAs Learn to Put Ethics Last ... |
Establishing Effective Boards |
Development of Corporate Performance Measures |
Improving Performance Measures: Beyond Financials |
Aligning Performance Measures with Business Strategy |
Non-Financial Performance Measures |
The Association of MBAs |
National Black MBA Association |
Report of the 3rd Annual Gay/Lesbian MBA Conference |
Dartmouth University: Tuck School of Business Gay/Straight Alliance |
Gay & Lesbian Student Association of the Harvard Business School |
Yale School of Management: From the Closet to the Boardroom |
Virginia's MBA Programs Split on Ethics |
Economist Magazine: The MBA -- Some History.. |
Financial Planning Toolkit: Golden Parachutes |
Dr. T's Economic Links |
Specific Links: Nonfinancial Business
Survey of Current Business  |
U.S. Census Bureau: 1997 Economic Census: Manufacturing  |
U.S. Census Bureau: 1997 Economic Census: Mining  |
U.S. Census Bureau: 1997 Economic Census: Construction  |
BEA: Current Business: Farm Statistics  |
Open Secrets: Political Contributions by Industry  |
Open Secrets: Top Industries Giving to Members of Congress |
Fed. Reserve Release G.19: Consumer Credit: Nonfinancial Business  |
St Louis Fed: Nonfinancial Corporate Business, Profit After Tax  |
Federal Reserve Board OSS-1: Productivity and Unit Costs Study Data  |
Small Business Statistics and Research  |
Bureau of the Census: Statistics about Business Size  |
BEA: Current Business: Nonfinancial Business Statistics |
BEA: Current Business: Nonfarm Statistics |
Survey of Business Owners |
Specific Links: Nonfarm Nonfinancial Corporate Business
Survey of Current Business  |
U.S. Census Bureau: 1997 Economic Census: Manufacturing  |
U.S. Census Bureau: 1997 Economic Census: Mining  |
U.S. Census Bureau: 1997 Economic Census: Construction  |
Open Secrets: Who Gives to Members of Congress |
Fed. Reserve Statistical Release G.19: Consumer Credit: Nonfinancial Business  |
St Louis Fed: Nonfinancial Corporate Business, Profit After Tax  |
Federal Reserve Board OSS-1: Productivity and Unit Costs Study Data  |
U.S. Census Bureau: Business Publications  |
NYU Stern School: S&P 500 Dividend and Earnings Yield Since 1960  |
Yahoo Finance: Industry Center |
Morningstar Industry Returns |
The Virtual Chase: Public Company SEC Filings and Sources of Trading Data. |
AIMR: Long Term Historical Corporate Data  |
Yale University: Old New York Stock Exchange Project 1815-1925 |
NYSE Dividend Yields: 1825-1925 |
Fundamental Valuations of S&P 500 Stocks |
Age Cohort Analysis and the S&P 500 Dividend Yield |
IMF: Explaining the Dividend Yield in the United States.  |
Cleveland Fed: Why is Dividend Yield So Low? |
Dividend Yield for Stocks in the Dow Jones Average |
UCLA: Changing Motives for Share Repurchases  |
University of Rochester: Managerial Timing and Corporate Liquidity  |
Actual Share Repurchases and Corporate Liquidity  |
Federal Reserve: Stock Repurchases in the 1990s  |
BEA: Current Business: Nonfinancial Business Statistics |
Survey of Business Owners |
'Corporate Lifecycles: How and Why Corporations Grow and Die and What to do About It', Paperback, Ichak Adizes
Why corporations change. A must-read for buy-and-hold investors. |
'Stealing Time: Steve Case, Jerry Levin, and the Collapse of AOL TimeWarner', Hardcover, Alec Klein
How the largest merger in U.S. history became the disaster of the century. |
Corporate Financing Week
For investment bankers and corporate financial managers, with news and trends in corporate finance. |
'Entrepreneur', Magazine Subscription |
Harvard Business Review
This Gospel of the Harvard Business School is avidly read by business executives. It provides an insight into the minds of MBAs (monthly). |
'Managers Not MBAs: A Hard Look at the Soft Practices of Managing and Management Development', Hardcover, Henry Mintzberg
Managers should leave behind stronger organizations, not higher share prices. |
'The Essays of Warren Buffet: Lessons for Corporate America', Paperback, Warren Buffet
Price is what you pay and value is what you get |
'The Cost of Talent: How Executives and Professionals and Paid and How it Affects America', Hardcover, Derek Bok
The Dean of the Harvard Law Schools well-researched book on executive greed. |
'Corporate Executions: The Ugly Truth About Layoffs-How Corporate Greed Is Shattering Lives, Companies, and Communities', Paperback, Alan Downs, Adrienne Hickey |
'The Executive Career Guide for MBAs: Insiders' Guide to Getting to the Top from Today's Business Leaders', Hardcover, Richard H. Beatty
A good source book on how today's professional managers think. |
'The New Machiavelli: The Art of Politics in Business', Paperback, Alistair McAlpine
More important than an MBA for those working in professionally managed corporations. |