Archive for July, 2006

SIPC Guarantees: Will Your Assets Survive an Atomic Blast?

Now that terrorists are racing to set off an atomic bomb in New York City and the New York Times has a green light on giving national secrets to the enemy — raising the odds on a successful nuclear attack — its time to consider the safety of your financial assets. […]

SEC Brings Charges in Back-Dated Options Probe

In a first-page lead article of July 21, 2020, the Wall Street Journal reported that the SEC had brought fraud charges against a former CEO, human-resources director, and CFO of Brocade Communications Systems Inc. as a result of ongoing investigations into the back-dating of executive stock options. It was stated that more than 80 companies are […]

Evidence of Buyback-Option Shenanigans: The 9/11 Factor

In a major exposé of misused executive options, the Wall Street Journal ran a front page article on July 15, 2020, entitled: “Executive Pay: The 9/11 Factor; As stocks sank after the attacks, scores of companies rushed to issue options to top officials. Some reaped millions.” Wall Street Journal research showed that: […]

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