Keeping track of observations in flow of funds analysis Keeping Track of Observations : continued

Explaining Flow of Funds

Keeping Track of What We Observe

The various sectors and instruments that make up the capital market are interrelated.

We start with the instrument table for the type of security whose market interests us.

From there, using the sectors listed in the left column of the instrument table, we go to sector tables of the players that make up our target market.

Finally, in order to understand the motivation of these sectors, we examine , in turn, other instruments that these players are buying or selling, going from a specific sector table back to the relevant instrument tables.


The above graphic shows how we use this relationship for progressive analysis:

From securities to players back to securities, and so on.

So as not to get lost in this maze of relationships, it is important to take notes and draw inferences at each step.

We can learn a lot about supply and demand in the capital market just by reading and thinking about flow of funds accounts.


Before proceeding, check your progress:


The best place to start Capital Flow Analysis of the equity market would be:
Choice 1 The sector table for equities.
Choice 2 The sector table for households.
Choice 3 The instrument table for equities.
Choice 4The instrument table for mortgages.
The labels in the left column of an instrument table refer to:
Choice 1 Other instrument tables.
Choice 2 Sector tables.
Choice 3 NIPA data sheets.
Choice 4 Price tables.
The recommended sequence for examining flow of funds tables for Capital Flow Analysis is:
Choice 1 Sectors first, then instruments.
Choice 2 Sectors first, then NIPA.
Choice 3 One instrument first, then sectors.
Choice 4 All instruments first, the one sector.

Investment Tutorial: Flow of Funds Analysis  learning module : continued >

Suggested Reading on keeping track of observations in flow of funds analysis
'Investment Fables: Exposing the Myths of 'Can't Miss' Investments Strategies', Hardcover, Aswath Damodaran

If you want to make smarter investment decisions, you'll find this book utterly indispensable.

'Investment Performance Measurement', Hardcover, Bruce J. Feibel

The quantification of the results achieved by an investment program

'Macroeconomics', Hardcover, Olivier Blanchard

An integrated view of macroeconomics.

'Economics of the Public Sector: 3rd Edition', Hardcover, Joseph E. Stiglitz

Professor Stiglitz served as chairman of President Clinton's Council of Economic Advisors and then as chief economist at the World Bank.

'Principal of Political Economy and Taxation', Paperback, David Ricardo

David Ricardo became a stockbroker at the age of 21 and slowly became a recognized economic scholar in England.

'Principals of Economics', Paperback, Alfred Marshall

The British economist Alfred Marshall is one of the greatest political economists of all times

'History of Economic Analysis', Paperback, Joseph A. Schumpeter, Elizabeth Boody Schumpeter

A complete survey of man's intellectual advances in the light of economic phenomena

'Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy', Paperback, Joseph A. Schumpeter

Schumpeter's half-century old tome has recently come back into vogue as everyone is picking up his term 'creative destruction'.

'Capitalism and Freedom', Hardcover, Milton Friedman, Rose D. Friedman

Friedman argues that the appropriate role of competitive capitalism occurs when the majority of our economic activity flows through private enterprise within a free market environment.

'Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960', Hardcover, Milton Friedman

This monumental work swept away archaic notions

'The Road to Serfdom', Hardcover, F.A. Hayek

One of the greatest arguments for economic, political, and social freedom written during the 20th Century.

'Economics for Real People: An Introduction to the Austrian School', Paperback, Gene Callahan

A guide to the main ideas of the Austrian School of economics, written in sparkling prose especially for the non-economist.

'Democracy - The God That Failed: The Economics and Politics of Monarchy, Democracy, and Natural Order', Hardcover, Hans Hermann-Hoppe

Hoppe's brilliant book attacks the greatest sacred cow of our time: representative democracy.

'Money Mischief: Episodes in Monetary History', Paperback, Milton Friedman

Nobel Prize-winning economist Friedman examines the role of money backed by gold and silver and our current world of fiat backed by faith.

'The Commanding Heights: The Battle between Government and the Market that is Remaking the Modern World', Hardcover, Daniel Yergin, Joseph Stanislaw

The epic struggle between government and the marketplace that has, over the last twenty years, turned the world upside down

'Basic Economics: A Citizen's Guide to the Economy', Hardcover, Thomas Sowell

At last there is a citizen's guide to the economy, written by an economist who uses plain English.

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