Archive for February 12th, 2006

Federal Government Receipts Accelerate: Q3 2005

The annual rate of increase in U.S. federal government receipts picked up to 9.5% in Q3 2005, compared to 5.6% in 2004 and a negative -0.8% over the first four years of the Bush administration. (See Federal Flow of Funds Table F106). During the last four years of the Clinton administration, receipts of the federal […]

Record U.S. Federal Government Receipts: Q3 2005

Under the Bush administration, current receipts of the U.S. federal government as of Q3 2005 reached US$2.1 trillion on an annual basis. This was a new record, 17% higher than average annual receipts of the federal government during the last four years of the Clinton administration. (See: Flow of Funds Table F106). As the graph shows, […]

State, Local Governments Borrow at Record Levels: Q3 2005

The Federal Reserve Flow of Funds Table F211 for Municipal Securities and Loans, shows that state and local government are issuing long-term bonds at record levels. The main purchasers of municipal bonds are domestic individual investors that benefit from tax exemptions on municipal bond interest. The largest institutional purchasers are property-casualty insurance companies and money […]

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