The United States is engaged in war with radical Islam that aims to expel Westerners from the Mid-East and re-establish a caliphate modeled after the Ottoman Empire,   with hundreds of millions of people under subjugation.

The presence of the United States in the Mid-East, with ties to Israel and oil interests in Saudi Arabia,  is seen by the militants as a situation that must be reversed, even at the cost of millions of Muslim lives.

Osama bin Laden   and other radical leaders have decreed that Muslims are at war with Americans and are sanctioned to kill American men, women, and children wherever they can be found.

Is This How The War Will End?
Is This How The War Will End?

As the war has evolved, Iran   and Syria   are now open sponsors of Al Queda’s   goals.

Iran is intent on building nuclear weapons and has already declared that once this goal is achieved, it will use atomic weapons against Israel and, presumably, the United States — the Great Satan.

Iran, emboldened when it took American diplomats hostage in the 1970s, a blatant act of war that was allowed to pass without reprisal by the weak Carter administration, has its own reasons to believe that the United States is a paper tiger.

A Tragic Misinterpretation of History

The use of atomic weapons against cities of the United States has been the goal of Osama bin Laden since the 1990s. He sees this tactic — in a fatal misinterpretation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki — as the decisive move in the final battle that will drive the infidel from Muslim countries.

Osama bin Laden’s tragic misunderstanding of World War II and American history has led to a belief that the atomic destruction of New York City will not result in retaliation, but instead surrender.

To those poorly educated in history, the evidence seems to point to this:

Half of the US population, the press, the universities, and leading politicians seem to be whining cowards, clamoring for immediate withdrawal from Iraq and subordination of American sovereignty to the United Nations.

Under the ‘rule of law’, there seems to be no country against which the US could retaliate in the event of a terrorist nuclear attack, especially if half of the US population would require that prior approval be obtained from the United Nations.

However, like Hitler and Stalin, Osama bin Laden has misinterpreted history.

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