As the graph below shows, there has been a boom in the sale of new, single-family homes in the US since the late 1990s.

In recent weeks, common wisdom bandied about on financial talk shows is that this housing boom was somehow caused by Federal Reserve Chairman Greenspan’s reduction in short-term interest rates during the years 2000-2004.

But is this reasonable?

Might there not be some other explanation?

Consider Demographics Rather Than Interest Rates

The thing that strikes me about the graph of new home sales (besides the boom of the late 1990s) is that the addition of new homes to the US housing supply has been more or less stable for over thirty years, fluctuating around only 600,000 new homes a year.

New Home Sales Began To Take Off in the 1990s
New Home Sales Began To Take Off in the 1990s

In 1999, the stock of single family homes in the US was about 112 million units. That means that the supply of new homes, for over thirty years, was less that one percent of the number of homes in use at the end of the century.

New Immigrants and Internal Migrants Need Homes

Compare this to the statistics on legal immigration, which, since the end of World War II, has grown from about one million a year, to over nine million a year by 2000. See the graph in the article, “America Grows With Legal Immigration“.

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The Milken Institute debate that was highlighted in an earlier article, Common Stock Legend Disavowed: Professor Siegel’s Epiphany, brought into focus two opposing views regarding the possible negative impact on stock prices to be caused by the retirement of the Baby Boomer generation.

Michael Milken, the Chairman of the Institute, took an optimistic stance, suggesting that the problem would probably resolve itself through improvements in technology and productivity enhancements.

Linking economic stability and growth to enhanced productivity and new technology is a popular theme among economists, including ex-Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan.

Productivity and Technology Can’t Save the Baby Boomers

As described in the essay, “Profits and Population“, American economic growth over the last fifty years has had more to do with the expansion of the number of people working in the money economy than with advances in technology and productivity.

The initial impact of productivity improvements and new technology is to put people out of work.

Unless government policy and societal customs encourage education, savings and investment, and entrepreneurial activity, higher paying new jobs will not be created fast enough to employ workers displaced by productivity enhancement and new invention.

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No one knows for sure the facts on illegal immigrants living in the United States.

Nevertheless, lets start with one common estimate of the illegal population: 12 million persons.

Now, some have suggested that the U.S. deport these twelve million people, sending them back to their land of birth.

Lets assume that illegal immigrants will not pay any of the costs of this mass deportation, which would fall upon U.S. taxpayers.

What would be the economic consequences of mass deportation of 12 million illegal immigrants?

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